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Take a mobile first approach to your clearing marketing campaigns

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A student sits

In 2024, make sure you target engaged students at every touchpoint throughout their decision making process with our mobile-first clearing strategies:

Plan ahead
  • Consistency and frequency are key

    Mapping to the client brief

  • Start sharing your message early to build brand awareness and interest

    And selecting a product

  • Be the first to reach your audience for consideration

    Creating a solid proposal

Expand your audience
  • Don't limit your campaign to potential students alone
  • Consider reaching out to families, influencers, and other key stakeholders to maximize your impact

    How your audience is using mobile

  • Segment your audience with personalised messaging

    Using mobile as part of your strategy

Think globally
  • 16% of undergraduates are international students

    Mapping to the client brief

  • 26.1% of them originate from China

    And selecting a product

  • It is crucial to extend the reach of your campaign

    Creating a solid proposal

Request a call with our Education Marketing experts

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“At UA92 we’ve absolutely loved using Fonemedia for our various campaigns, from recruitment cycle to clearing, we’ve always had a positive experience and seen fantastic results.”

Ready to take your campaigns to the next level?

Our creative services can add impact and engagement to your ads. Whether it's Rich Media, Video, Animated, or Immersive creative, we've got you covered.

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