Experian Partnership

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Our partnership with Experian provides our clients with a range of benefits in terms of audience targeting.

Tailored audience profiles

By leveraging data analytics capabilities, we can create highly customised audience profiles tailored to a specific brand or campaign objective.

Utilisation of first-party data

Experian enables us to use your first-party data to uncover new audience pools and refine targeting strategies for improved campaign performance.

Targeted mobile advertising

Experian facilitates the delivery of highly targeted mobile advertising campaigns. We can reach your target audience with relevant messages across mobile devices through advanced data analysis and segmentation, enhancing engagement and driving conversions.

Fine-tuning with Mobile Platinum

Mobile Platinum offers advanced features for further refining targeted audience segments.

Access to extensive data

Experian offers access to a vast database of over 50 million adult profiles. This allows for a comprehensive analysis of behaviour and preferences.

Find out more with Deva Software

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