Ministry of Mobile

Fonemedia is a team of positive innovators working as the leading force in mobile marketing whilst keeping our core company values at heart.

At our in-house training facility - The Ministry of Mobile, we run regular training courses for our agency teams or direct clients looking to develop their knowledge - free of charge.

Agency Fundamentals
  • The History Of Mobile
  • Understanding the End User

    How we use mobile

  • Targeting

    Reaching the right person

  • Delivery

    Mobile marketing formats

  • Key Statistics
Who Should Attend?
Agency Team Members
Client Fundamentals
  • The History Of Mobile
  • Audiences

    How your audience is using mobile

  • Your Strategy

    Using mobile as part of your strategy

  • Achievements

    What we can achieve with mobile

  • Expectations

    What to expect from your campaign

Who Should Attend?
Anyone looking to understand Mobile Advertising & Marketing
Agency Advanced
  • Mobile Strategy

    Mapping to the client brief

  • Product Capabilities

    And selecting a product

  • Rationale

    Creating a solid proposal

  • End-User Considerations

    What impact this will have

  • Campaign Launch

    What to expect once launched

Who Should Attend?
Anyone who has completed the Agency Fundamentals Course

If you would like to register your interest in attending one of our courses, simply fill out the form below:

Register Here

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Courses run once a month between 10:00-14:30
(lunch & refreshments provided)

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