Strategy Consulting

At Fonemedia, we offer a full-service approach. 

We establish clients' desired outcomes and provide tailored solutions to ensure marketing activity is delivered effectively and efficiently.

Our Consulting Service Includes:

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Current Activity Analysis

Our team conducts a thorough audit of your existing marketing strategies by gathering data, examining performance metrics, evaluating user experience, and monitoring industry trends. This process helps identify opportunities and challenges, optimise resource allocation, and keeps you ahead of the competition.

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Strategy & Planning

We assist clients in implementing mobile marketing strategies by first understanding their goals, target audience, and market trends. Then, we tailor customised strategies, leveraging industry best practices to drive growth and maximise ROI through mobile channels.

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Audience Profiling

By analysing client data, market research, and industry trends to understand the target audience demographics, behaviours, and preferences, we can create detailed audience profiles and models, including age, gender, interests, device usage, and location. This guides the development of personalised strategies that resonate with specific audience segments, maximising campaign effectiveness.

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Creative Development

We conceptualise and design visually appealing and engaging ad creatives tailored to your specified audience, brand identity and defined marketing objectives. Through feedback loops and testing, we ensure the creatives effectively communicate your message and drive desired actions, whether clicks or brand awareness

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Campaign Delivery

Our expert team manages campaign setup and ongoing optimisations, ensuring effective cross-channel execution. We monitor performance metrics closely, identifying areas for improvement and implementing strategic optimisations daily to enhance results.

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Reporting & Evaluation

Our Data Analyst provides comprehensive end-of-campaign (EOC) reports, offering valuable insights to refine strategies and drive growth.

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